Monday 7 May 2007

Rings of Saturn Logo Experiments

Well I sure spent a lot of time working on logos today I actually got a lot more done than I was expecting considering I had a pretty slow start this morning. I kind of didn’t know what to do with this topic at first and my logo ideas weren’t really going anywhere at first. I must have been in the right frame of mind today because I kept on coming up with new ideas all the time. It was like one thing leading to another sort of thing.

The first idea that I came up with was just a basic round planet like ball surrounded with several circles that gradually get larger around each other. I played with this idea for a while only using black and white. I then added some colours to see how it would look. The idea was interesting but I don’t think it was quite strong enough in the end.

I then came up with another idea and this one was an idea involving more experimentation with rings. One of these was simply rings looped on to each other on the sides in a row. This started in black and white as well. I then added colour to it, bright colours at that. It looked ok but then I realized that if I moved the two end rings underneath the first three rings that it would almost be identical to the Olympic Games logo. I started changing it by adding fill rather than just using stroke and changing the colours around and I also tried overlapping the rings in a different combination of ways but it looked a little like a slinky. Oh well it was fun but.

I made a quarter of a circle with rings inside it. I then experimented with colours and text. At first some of the colours looked a bit rainbow and one of the variations looked a bit too much like a radiant sun. Then I came up with a combination that I quite liked by deleting a couple of in-between sections of the logo and found a good colour scheme. The next challenge I had was the Rings of Saturn publisher text that needed to go with the logo. The text was just far too long for the logo and it didn’t matter where I put it, it just would not work. I got the colours and sizes to match the logo and establish a relationship between the text and logo and that worked but I couldn’t escape the problem that the text was just too long compared to the accompanying image so I thought I would give that one a break for a while.

Oh well I think that’s enough blogging for now it’s kind getting late so I will continue this logo discussion later Seya.

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